If you have witnessed your pet having a seizure (convulsion), you will know how frightening it can be. Fits are not uncommon in dogs, but many dogs only ever have a single fit. If your dog or cat has had more than one seizure it may be that he (she) is epileptic. There are medications that can control seizures, allowing your pet to live a more normal life.
What should I do if my pet is having a seizure?
The first thing to remember is to stay calm. Remember that your pet is unconscious during the fit and is not in pain or distress. The fit itself is likely to be more distressing for you than your pet. Make sure that they are not in a position to injure themselves, for example by falling down the stairs, but otherwise do not try to interfere with them. Never try to put your hand inside the mouth during a fit as you will very likely get bitten.
What is Epilepsy?
An epileptic seizure is not a disease in itself but the sign of abnormal brain function. Many types of epileptic seizure are described in humans, dogs and cats. The most common type is the generalized tonic-clonic epileptic seizure (also known as grand mal seizures). Partial epileptic seizures affect only part of the body and are much more difficult to differentiate from non-epileptic seizure (particularly movement disorders).
Epilepsy means repeated epileptic seizures due to abnormal activity in the brain. It is caused by an abnormality in the brain itself. If the seizures occur because of a problem elsewhere in the body, for example a low sugar level, this is not epilepsy. Epileptic seizures can be caused by problems inside the brain (intra-cranial causes) or outside the brain (extra-cranial causes).
Extra-cranial causes of seizures include intoxication and metabolic diseases. In these cases, the brain is perfectly healthy but reacts to a toxin or a change in the blood make-up (usually caused by liver or kidney disease, salt imbalance, low sugar level, or an under-active thyroid gland). This type of seizure is also described as reactive epileptic seizures. Diagnosis of extra-cranial causes of epileptic seizures is based on blood tests or a known history of access to a toxin.
Intra-cranial causes are divided into primary and secondary epilepsy. In secondary epilepsy, the epileptic seizures are a sign of a disease in the brain. This disease might be a brain tumor, an inflammation or infection of the brain (encephalitis), a brain malformation, a recent or previous stroke or head trauma. Epileptic seizures may be the only sign of illness or there may be other signs (circling, blindness, wobbliness, restlessness and/or sleepiness). To confirm a diagnosis of secondary epilepsy an underlying brain disease must be identified using MRI or CT-scans of the brain and tests on the fluid surrounding the brain (CSF analysis).
In primary epilepsy (also known as idiopathic epilepsy), there is no disease in the brain but the epileptic seizures are caused by a functional problem (an imbalance in the messengers in the brain).
What is Epilepsy?
An epileptic seizure is not a disease in itself but the sign of abnormal brain function. Many types of epileptic seizure are described in humans, dogs and cats. The most common type is the generalized tonic-clonic epileptic seizure (also known as grand mal seizures). Partial epileptic seizures affect only part of the body and are much more difficult to differentiate from non-epileptic seizure (particularly movement disorders).
Epilepsy means repeated epileptic seizures due to abnormal activity in the brain. It is caused by an abnormality in the brain itself. If the seizures occur because of a problem elsewhere in the body, for example a low sugar level, this is not epilepsy. Epileptic seizures can be caused by problems inside the brain (intra-cranial causes) or outside the brain (extra-cranial causes).
Extra-cranial causes of seizures include intoxication and metabolic diseases. In these cases, the brain is perfectly healthy but reacts to a toxin or a change in the blood make-up (usually caused by liver or kidney disease, salt imbalance, low sugar level, or an under-active thyroid gland). This type of seizure is also described as reactive epileptic seizures. Diagnosis of extra-cranial causes of epileptic seizures is based on blood tests or a known history of access to a toxin.
Intra-cranial causes are divided into primary and secondary epilepsy. In secondary epilepsy, the epileptic seizures are a sign of a disease in the brain. This disease might be a brain tumor, an inflammation or infection of the brain (encephalitis), a brain malformation, a recent or previous stroke or head trauma. Epileptic seizures may be the only sign of illness or there may be other signs (circling, blindness, wobbliness, restlessness and/or sleepiness). To confirm a diagnosis of secondary epilepsy an underlying brain disease must be identified using MRI or CT-scans of the brain and tests on the fluid surrounding the brain (CSF analysis).
In primary epilepsy (also known as idiopathic epilepsy), there is no disease in the brain but the epileptic seizures are caused by a functional problem (an imbalance in the messengers in the brain).
What common is primary epilepsy?
Primary epilepsy is the most common cause of epileptic seizures in young adult cats, although not as common as in dogs. The number of seizures each cat has is extremely variable between individual cats (from many seizures a day to a seizure every few months). Animals with primary epilepsy are typically normal in between seizures.
What common is primary epilepsy?
Primary epilepsy is the most common cause of epileptic seizures in young adult cats, although not as common as in dogs. The number of seizures each cat has is extremely variable between individual cats (from many seizures a day to a seizure every few months). Animals with primary epilepsy are typically normal in between seizures.
When will fits occur?
Most epileptic fits will occur while your pet is relaxed and resting quietly. It is very rare for a fit to occur at exercise. Often fits occur in the evening or at night, and again it is common for a pattern to develop which you will recognize as specific to your pet.
How will my veterinarian know that my pet has primary epilepsy?
The diagnosis of primary epilepsy can only be made by excluding all other causes and results of all investigations (blood test, MRI scan or CT-scan of the brain and CSF analysis) will come back normal.
Primary epilepsy is the most likely cause of seizures if your pet:
1) has its first seizure at a young adult age
2) is normal between the seizures.
Identification of the exact cause of the epileptic seizures is essential in choosing an appropriate treatment to control them.
Is there any treatment that will stop fits?
If your pet has only had one fit your veterinarian may advise waiting before starting any treatment. The drugs used to treat epilepsy will often not stop the fits altogether but will make them less frequent. Therefore, it is important to know how often the fits would happen without treatment to be sure that the treatment is having an effect. Once your pet starts on treatment it is likely that this will have to be continued for the rest of his life. As some pets only ever have one fit they may end up having treatment which they did not need. Once your pet starts on tablets these must be given at roughly the same time every day. If you stop the drugs suddenly you may cause your pet to fit. It often takes a few months to get the dose of drug just right for your pet. During this time your veterinarian will keep in regular contact with you and may need to take a number of blood samples from your pet to check that the blood levels of the drug are not too high or too low.
Will my pet get better?
It is rare for epileptic pets to stop having fits altogether. Drugs may control the fits so that they do not affect your pet’s lifestyle but, in most cases, if you stopped treatment the fits would come back. However, provided your pet is checked regularly by your veterinarian to make sure that the drugs are not causing any side effects, many epileptic pets lead a full and happy life.
What ongoing monitoring is needed?
Frequent monitoring is needed, especially in the early stages of Epilepsy treatment. Medication level blood tests are needed initially 3-4 weeks after starting the medication or changing the medication dose. Once the correct dose is found another blood test is needed after 3 months. Once your pet is on a stable dose, they will need less frequent monitoring but will still require 6 monthly consultations with your veterinarian to continue to dispense the medications and closely monitor your pet. After the initial diagnosis your veterinarian will advise when repeat testing is required depending on how your pet has responded, in general this will involve:
Repeat Medication Blood Level Test (e.g. Phenobarbitone or Bromide) – every 6 months
General Blood test Monitoring – every 6 months (to monitor organ function)
If you have any concerns, note any seizures or notice any changes in your pet’s condition please contact your Veterinarian immediately to make a recheck appointment.