Dog with skin conditions

Have you noticed your pet licking, biting, chewing or scratching their skin more often? Skin conditions are a common issue that can cause significant discomfort and health problems for our pets.

Most skin conditions can be managed – or even cured – with intervention, so it’s important to seek assistance from your vet if you notice any signs of skin irritation.

Read on to find out about the four most common skin conditions we see at Centenary Vets, and what you can do to help your pet.

Parasitic skin conditions

Parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites are common culprits behind skin irritations. They can cause intense itching, redness, and secondary infections due to the sores created from constant scratching.

Most parasitic skin diseases can be diagnosed through visual identification of the parasite (such as fleas), or by examining small samples of skin or debris under a microscope to diagnose the problem. All skin conditions in pets caused by parasites are treatable and your vet can recommend products to control them and protect your cat or dog from their effects.

Bacterial infections

While all pets have bacteria on their skin (just like we do), bacterial infections can occur due to skin injuries, poor hygiene, or secondary complications from other skin conditions. These infections – also known as pyoderma – are not contagious to people or other pets, however, they cause inflamed skin, pustules and open wounds that can become a serious medical issue for affected pets.

Bacterial skin infections are usually diagnosed based on your pet’s medical history and the location and appearance of the affected area. Many bacterial skin infections have an underlying cause, such as a parasite infestation, hormonal or immune system disorder, or allergy. If the underlying cause is not treated appropriately, the skin infection will likely return.

In addition to treatment for the underlying cause, your vet may recommend antibiotics to resolve the infection.

Fungal infections

Fungal infections are another common skin issue in pets and are typically caused by either ringworm or a yeast called Malassezia. These infections can cause scaly skin, itching, and in the case of ringworm, circular patches of hair loss.

Ringworm can be quite contagious to both pets and people, however, it is treatable with a course of medicated baths, ointments, gels, or pills.

Malassezia infection is typically caused by another skin problem, such as an allergic reaction or a bacterial skin infection. It is treatable through a variety of methods (including shampoos, gels/ointments, and pills). However, to resolve the infection for good, the underlying condition needs to be successfully managed as well.

Allergic skin conditions

Cat with skin conditions

The most common cause of skin conditions we see is due to an allergic reaction. This could be from:

Allergic skin conditions can cause a range of symptoms, including itching, swelling, redness, hair loss and sores (from excessive scratching or biting).

Diagnosing allergic skin conditions can be challenging because different types of allergies can share similar symptoms. Your vet will try to rule out other types of skin conditions before making a diagnosis of allergic skin disease.

Managing your pet’s allergic skin disease with a Commitment2Care medical plan

Ideally, treatment of allergic skin disease involves reducing or eliminating your pet’s exposure to the allergens that are causing the problem. However, this is almost impossible to achieve, and medications are often necessary. If your pet has a food allergy, a special diet may be prescribed.

This means that most pets with an allergic skin condition will require ongoing management of their health.

To provide optimal management of your animal’s skin condition, we have developed a Commitment2Care medical plan that has been designed with your pet’s long-term health in mind.

For an all-inclusive monthly fee, our Commitment2Care skin condition medical plan includes:

To find out more about our Commitment2Care plans, please speak with your vet during your next appointment, or by calling us on 07 3376 4144.

Centenary Vets are here to help

If a skin condition seems to be causing your pet discomfort, it’s time to see a vet.

After diagnosing the cause of the discomfort, our vets will work closely with you to develop the best strategy to manage your pet’s skin condition.

To make an appointment, call Forest Lake Vets (on the Lake at Forest Lake) on 07 3279 7804 or Centenary Vets Clinic and Hospital (at Middle Park) on 07 3376 4144.

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