This has seen Centenary Vet Hospital grow from the initial small Vet Surgery to a 9 Vet recognized Primary Care Small Animal Veterinary Hospital (the first in Brisbane’s western suburbs!). Centenary Vet Hospital has led us to relocate 4 times since 1999, allowing us to improve our Procedures for our pets, increase our services to Our Clients and provide better conditions for our Staff.
We are proud of our achievement, but more so in the facilities, we can now provide for our Patients.
The centre point and focus of our team will always be to ensure that pets receive not just excellent medical attention but genuine and authentic care.
At Centenary Vet Hospital we want Owners to feel they can partner with us to help their Pets achieve as comfortable life as possible and to share time together for as long as possible.
Every year we invest close to $20,000 in training to ensure Our Vets can perform procedures that need a high level of training, like Advanced Orthopeadics, Abdominal Ultrasounds, Cardiac Ultrasounds, Endoscopies, Advanced Oral Surgeries, and Dental Care.
We can treat long-term, high-level care for medical conditions like Heart/Cardiac, Kidney/renal, Liver disease, Thyroid conditions, Adrenal Problems (Cushing’s or Addison’s Disease), Skin Conditions, Epilepsy, Diabetes, or Bladder stones. We want to do this from diagnosis through their whole lives.
When clients bring in their beloved pets to see us, we want to acknowledge and enhance the essential role that they play in ensuring their pet’s optimal health.
With these conditions, we want to help diagnose and begin treatment for your pets, but we also feel half our job is helping you and your Pet over their lifetime. We want to be a Veterinary Practice for Clients wanting Diagnostics and Relationships with their Vet for life.